Posts Tagged “EcoBag”

Love our Planet more this Christmas

Have you watch the movie 2012? Maybe, and maybe not. It’s not too late to watch this excellent movie that tries to warn the human race, and it’s STILL NOT TOO LATE to start LOVING our planet more.

There are many ways we can do to love our planet more and more each day.  For instance, use only re-usable utensils when you are buying your lunch back. By decreasing the usage of plastic bags (which are non-biodegradable) everyday, we are also doing our bits to help saving our environment for our future generations – our babies, and the babies and babies of our babies, etc.

For this coming shopping season (it’s Christmas!), you can get an EcoBag from Mummycare or Kiddycare free for every purchase of Rm60 and above.  What’s more, you may get a bigger one for purchase above Rm100.  Let’s use this EcoBag and enjoy your Season Shopping with a peace of mind!