Baby Cuties Photo Contest: Contestants #41-60

by admin. 0 Comments

The 3rd batch of the contestants’ photos are actually published on last Sunday (15/11/09). We are sorry for the delay as we only being informed yesterday and received the newspaper cut out today. Sorry once again for the inconvenience caused.

To make things easier for the parents, we have received confirmation from the See Hua Daily Newdspaper management that the rest of the photos will be published on every Tuesday and Saturday, with a “space allocation” rule applies. That is: “if it is not out on Tuesday, it will definitely out on Wednesday; if it is not published on Saturday, it will then be published on Sunday. ” As newspaper has to serve public needs, we have to abide by their space allocation priorities.

So Parents, just look out for the newspaper on these specific days, Tuesday or Wednesday, and Saturday or Sunday. We will still continue to update the photos published on this website just like what we did before. But there won’t be any tips on which day the rest of the photos will be published, as the pattern is set.

As promised, here is the 3rd batch of the Contestants’ photos.

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